THE Programs

Witch initiation

We are changing.

The call to connect into our true nature is getting stronger and stronger.

Those gifts you denied or tried to push down, to make sense of…they’re coming out.

You’ve felt it. That’s why you’re here.

To find a place where you are not only accepted for who you are, but you are CELEBRATED.

Those things that make you different are encouraged, nurtured and honoured.

You know this call, the familiar sound that you may not quite remember where you’ve heard it before but, it’s a feeling that feels so right. Like a flutter in your stomach or a pulse of energy through your body.

You are ready to come home.

Witch Initiation is where you remember who you really are without all the masks, the need to hide or hold back your feelings or your thoughts. It’s an acknowledgement of our ancestors, our history and our pain so we can stop limiting ourselves and living from fear. It’s a safe space for those who know that have magic inside of them but are afraid to let it out.

The Witch in you is ready to speak you TRUTH lovingly, own your POWER like a QUEEN and to allow your GIFTS to be seen, heard and recognized for what they are.

If you have ever felt like you were too much, too big, too angry, too quiet, too loud, too much of anything. This is for you. If you have a hard time relating to or getting along with other women, have mother wounds, sister wounds or just feel like you have to be like a man to get what you want in your life, this is for you.

This program is unlike anything I have seen, a journey through your womanhood, your divine feminine power, witch wounds, your connection to those who came before you, IGNITING the GODDESS inside you, no fear, no holding back. No judgement.

If you are finally ready to break down those walls and let your magic out….It’s time for you to join us. We begin September 19th.

4 weeks, virtual | $333 (Payment plan options available)

The Magic Membership-FULL

Imagine having a place where you can find your inspiration again? 

Where you can feel fully supported in achieving your desires, not just talking or thinking about them?

The Magic membership is a monthly commitment and we go until December 2024. This is for the person who is ready to truly level up their life from a place of ease. We’re talking more clarity, more ease and more freedom as you let go of your personal limitations and integrate all of the life lessons so you can feel better.  

What’s included? One healing session per month, one channeled message per month, personalized inquiry to move you forward powerfully in your healing journey and all three Healer School modules.

Imagine having someone in your corner supporting you in aligning to the life you want, while holding space of you to step into it? If that person is you, let’s GO.

8 months |  $175 CAD or $1100 CAD Pay in Full


Unlock your power

This mentorship is for the person who is ready to get clear on and blast away the stuff that is holding them back. Because here’s the truth, we don’t really tap into major growth in just one session. This level of expansion is not for the faint of heart, we work together to get clear on what’s holding you back from owning your power, self expression and natural magnetism. I am a firm believer that if you’re ready to unlock your power, you’re ready to feel your emotions, work through your blocks and be open to receiving compassionate but sometimes tough truths. If you’re the one who is ready to stand in your leadership, take radical responsibility for your transformation and to do the real deep work of inner healing than this is for you.

It includes the following: Initial Assessment, the Regression Session, follow up Healing Session and Energy Clearing Session, Voxer Support and Personal Coaching.

This is a committed relationship so no refunds so once you are in the work, you’re in it. If this feels like a fit for you, apply for this mentorship by emailing

4 weeks virtual | $444 CAD